Click on any of the links below to watch sermons from our series -- The Life You've Always Wanted.

The Life You've Always Wanted - Week 01

Hope of Transformation

2 Corinthians 3:17-18  /  June 02, 2024


Don't you want to have peace, joy, and patience? Can you even live a life of self-control and new beginnings? We believe the answers are "yes" and "yes".

Watch to learn more about how to have The Life You've Always Wanted.

The Life You've Always Wanted - Week 02

Complete Joy

Philippians 2:1-11  /  June 09, 2024


As Paul writes to the Philippian church, he talks about his and our joy can be complete no matter what the circumstance, even prison.

Knowing that God is the happiest being in the universe, our joy, personally and in the church, does not have to be defined by the circumstances of life.

The Life You've Always Wanted - Week 03

Quiet Righteousness

Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18  /  June 16, 2024


Who is greater, God or Man? What is more valuable, God's rewards or Man's? While these questions can be answered simply, living in light of the truth is much harder.

Watch to understand why God rewards the quietly righteous.

The Life You've Always Wanted - Week 04

Go at God's Pace

Luke 5:12-16  /  June 23, 2024


Jesus Christ, savior of the world and God in the flesh, regularly took time off to slow down, be with the Father, and eliminate hurry from his life.

What does that mean for you?

The Life You've Always Wanted - Week 05

Appropriate Smallness

Matthew 20:17-30  /  June 30, 2024


What do Copernicus and Christ have in common? Among many things, and despite many differences, they both saw that people are NOT the center of the universe.

Watch to see what this means for you.

The Life You've Always Wanted - Week 06

Let's Get Real

Luke 18:9-14  /  July 07, 2024


God gives mercy to those who confess, not those who hide. See what Jesus meant, why the Father's heart is for confessors, and how that can impact your life.

The Life You've Always Wanted - Week 07

Prepared for His Presence

Matthew 25:1-13  July 14, 2024


This week's sermon is about being prepared for the return of Jesus, which ultimately means having a personal, saving relationship with Him and walking in fellowship with Him.

The Life You've Always Wanted - Week 08

Model Prayer

Matthew 6:9-13  /  July 21, 2024


If we were all honest, we'd admit that prayer usually feels empty, frustrating, and monotonous--but that's not what God intended. Thankfully, Jesus offers a better way for us.

The Life You've Always Wanted - Week 09

Truth that Transforms

Matthew 4:1-11  /  July 28, 2024


Jesus himself was tempted in every way that you and I are, but he never once sinned. What did he do in those moments of temptation?

Watch to find out, and how that might change you, too.